Friday, March 24, 2023

CR112 - Hougang Q1 2023 update


19 March 2023 - A view southwards from across Hougang Avenue 10.

It's been a while since we've had an update on the Cross Island Line (CRL), so we're at Hougang this week to kick things off. Work at the northern half (the closed section of Hougang Central Minor) is more advanced than that at the southern half (near existing Exit A, next to the bus interchange) of the site.

19 March 2023 - A view of the site along Hougang Avenue 10. A future exit will be sited here.

Northern site - Bounded by Hougang Avenue 10 & Hougang Central (Major)
Diaphragm walling works are in progress at the northern half of the site. Initially starting with 1 hyrofraise machine, the equipment count now stands at 2 hydofraise machines & 1 clam shell grabbing machine.

The site generally looks messy as works are still ongoing for the diaphragm wall construction. Alternate panels are dug out with the machines and thereafter, rebar cages lowered into the excavated void before being filled with concrete to cast the panel. As the sequence calls for constructing alternate panels, work will move between even and odd panels rather than moving linearly along the perimeter.

19 March 2023 - A view of the northern half of the site with diaphragm wall works underway.

19 March 2023 - A view of rebar cages on standby for diaphragm wall construction.

19 March 2023 - A timelapse video of the
clam shell grabbing machine in action.

19 March 2023 - Notice of upcoming works for the installation of
recharge wells along Hougang Avenue 10 before excavation commences.

Southern site - Bounded by Hougang Central (Major) & Hougang bus interchange
At the southern end of the station, a noise barrier has since been completed to minimise any noise generated from construction works for the station. The vegetation and landscaping around the bus interchange have also been cleared ahead of heavy construction works. Other than that, there is a lot of site preparation works ongoing. Clearing of the former bus interchange tarmac has yet to begin which should signal the start of heavy works commencing.

19 March 2023 - A view of the southern half of the site, next to the bus interchange.

Project Information Centre for CRL1
Contract CR112 will also feature the PIC for this phase of the CRL. The glass doors at the entry to the PIC have since been decorated with stickers depicting a black top half and a white bottom. A lime green stripe also cuts across the white half of the door, bearing the line's logo & name Cross Island Line 1. As of the time of publishing, the team does not have any information on the expected public opening date for the PIC. Nonetheless we'll be sure to let everyone know when we have more information to share.

23 February 2023 - A view of the PIC entrance.

Contract CR112 for the construction of Hougang station was one of the first civil contracts awarded for the CRL1. As such, its progress can be expected to be at a more advanced stage than that of other contracts awarded later. Nonetheless, the project is off to a good start. We look forward to its continued progress and to the eventual opening of the PIC to members of the public (PS: We hope that the opening hours will be better than those of the Jurong Region Line PIC).

This post is also available on Instagram & Facebook in a time comparison format.

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