Tuesday, September 3, 2024

CR112 - Hougang update Q2 2024


30 June 2024 - An overview of the station box as of end-Q2.

Contract CR112 was one of the first station contracts awarded for the Cross Island Line (CRL)'s first phase back in 2020. Since then, the contract has come a long way along but, as of Q2, had yet to commence tunneling work. This is despite the fact that a gantry crane being installed near the contract's launch shaft since January this year. Nonetheless, Q2 marked a significant milestone for the contract with the completion of phase 1 diaphragm wall works. This milestone also saw the excavation of portions of the station box commence.

18 April 2024 - A view of the northern end of the station box being constructed in early-Q2.
Excavation of the first portion of the box was underway to cast the roof slab.

9 May 2024 - A view of the northern end of the station box being constructed in mid-Q2.
Rebar installation was underway for the first section of roof slab.

8 June 2024 - A view of the northern end of the station box being constructed in end-Q2 at night.
The first section of roof slab had been cast while rebar installation continued at the next section.

30 June 2024 - A view of the northern end of the station box being constructed in end-Q2. The
two sections of roof slab have since been cast.

As portions of the station box were excavated, slope stability was maintained so that Hougang Central that traveled across the mid-section of the station could remain in use and open to traffic throughout. This process allowed for the phased casting of the station box's roof slab with openings to allow for the transfer of materials into or out of the station box structure.

These works took place at both the northern and southern ends of the station, the process being replicated at either end. At the southern end of the station, excavation work also commenced for the paid transfer linkway that will connect the CRL station with the existing North East Line (NEL) station box. As time progressed, more of the underground retaining walls were unveiled, with work moving onto the installation of rebar before the roof slab was cast after.

18 April 2024 - A view of the southern end of the station box being constructed in early-Q2.
Part of the paid transfer linkway area had been excavated.

18 April 2024 - Another view of the southern end of the station box being constructed in early-Q2.
The hydrofraise machine is still on site.

8 June 2024 - A view of the southern end of the station box being constructed in end-Q2.
Excavation was underway for other sections of the roof slab as well.

8 June 2024  - A view of the southern end of the station box being constructed in end-Q2.

30 June 2024 - A view of the southern end of the station box being constructed in end-Q2.
Rebar installation was underway for the roof slab while the transfer linkway roof slab has since
been cast as well.

30 June 2024  - A view of the southern end of the station box being constructed in end-Q2.

Near the junction of Hougang Central with Hougang Avenue 4 is where Exit 6 was being constructed. As the diaphragm walls at this location were completed, the roof slab structure was cast. Shortly after, backfilling works began over the completed structures to allow for a road diversion above. This upcoming diversion would allow for phase 2 of the diaphragm wall works to commence, linking up areas that were previously inaccessible due to existing infrastructure being in the way.

Adjacent to the Exit 6 site is another staging yard for the contract. Here, materials and supplies are kept before they are needed at the station box site proper. Through the past quarter, tunnel ring segments were delivered and kept in neat piles - each representing one of the tunnel rings that the TBM will eventually install en route to Serangoon North station.

18 April 2024 - The Exit 6 construction site in early-Q2. The roof slab structures for the exit and
connecting subway can be seen.

18 April 2024 - The staging yard site in early-Q2.

9 May 2024  - The Exit 6 construction site in mid-Q2.

9 May 2024 - Works ongoing for the new road layout.

9 May 2024

9 May 2024 - A view towards the CRL station box along Hougang Central in mid-Q2.

30 June 2024  - The Exit 6 construction site in end-Q2. The soil atop the exit & subway's roof
slab had been backfilled over and one of Hougang Central's carriageway was being constructed
above the backfilled exit.

30 June 2024 - The staging site in end-Q2. Tunnel ring segments can be seen stored on site.

30 June 2024 - A close up view of the tunnel rings stored on site.

30 June 2024 - Progress of work ahead of the road diversion to come in July 2024.

30 June 2024 - Ongoing road diversion preparation works.

30 June 2024 - Preparation for the relocation of a bus stop along Hougang Central.

30 June 2024 - A view towards the location of Exit 6.

30 June 2024

30 June 2024

30 June 2024 - Works underway for preparation of the road diversion.

30 June 2024 - A view of Hougang Central near block 830 before the next round of diversions.

30 June 2024

30 June 2024

Q2 also saw the tunneling works staging site commence construction. First, the site was cleared and a layer of crushed stone was added to level the site. Next, rebar was laid over the layer of crushed stone before concrete was pumped over to cast a level slab. This staging area will eventually be used to house the various tunnel boring machine (TBM) components before they are lowered into the launch shaft to begin tunneling works. The site will also serve as a storage yard for TBM components such as cutterhead discs and teeth which will need to be replaced once worn out.

18 April 2024 - The tunnel staging site undergoing site preparation works in early-Q2.

18 April 2024  - The tunnel staging site in the background in early-Q2.

9 May 2024 - An aerial view of the tunneling work staging site in mid-Q2. Rebar is being laid atop
the layer of crushed stone before the slab is cast.

9 May 2024 - A close up view of the rebar installation ahead of slab casting.

9 May 2024

30 June 2024 - The completed slab of the tunneling work staging area in end-Q2.

30 June 2024 - Some machinery parked on the tunneling work staging site temporarily.

30 June 2024

30 June 2024

30 June 2024

30 June 2024 - An aerial view of the tunneling work staging site with the station box behind in

Early works have also commenced within the existing NEL Hougang station. The most notable of these has been the removal of cladding panels at the atrium void of the station. These panels were removed ahead of construction of the expanded concourse level to facilitate the addition of 5 new escalators and 1 new lift to serve the expected increased loads at the station with the new line coming in.

18 April 2024 - A view of the NEL platforms with several panels of cladding removed from around
the station's atrium void.

18 April 2024

18 April 2024

9 May 2024 - More cladding panels were progressively removed as of mid-Q2.

9 May 2024 - A view of the station's atrium void with cladding removed to allow for the subsequent
construction of an expanded concourse level to fit in more escalators and an additional lift.

Screenshot from flythrough render showing the expanded concourse level within the existing
NEL Hougang station.
Source: YouTube

Screenshot from flythrough render showing the expanded concourse level within the existing
NEL Hougang station.
Source: YouTube

Screenshot from flythrough render showing the expanded concourse level within the existing
NEL Hougang station.
Source: YouTube

Screenshot from flythrough render showing the expanded concourse level within the existing
NEL Hougang station.
Source: YouTube

Screenshot from flythrough render showing the expanded concourse level within the existing
NEL Hougang station.
Source: YouTube

A graphic representation of the changes to come to Hougang NEL station's concourse level.
New escalators are denoted in skyblue while lifts in dark blue. Much of the existing atrium
void will be slabbed over.

Much work remains ahead of the CRL station's completion with phase 2 of diaphragm wall construction due to begin in Q3 along with tunneling works by the year's end. Do stay tuned as we continue to bring you updates on the progress of construction at the station.

This post will also be available on Instagram & Facebook on 4 September 2024.

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